The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest, Recap Episode 6

NOCEBO Effect, Healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing & Going Inside a German Cancer Clinic Advanced Detoxing Dr. Group, Dr. Nuzum, and Dr. Buttar all really drove home this idea that without a thorough cleansing, the body cannot truly heal. I couldn’t…


The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest, Recap Episode 5

Cancer Causing Blindspots, Toxic Vaccines, Homeopathy & The Power of Emotions As Dr. Keith Scott Mumby says in his book Cancer Research Secrets, and I believe on the last installment of this series, “Every good health measure is an anti-cancer…


The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest, Recap Episode 4

Excitotoxins that Fuel Cancer, Nature’s Pharmacy and Healing Cancer with Sound & Light Ty started off last night’s episode letting us know about another area in which our guard needs to be up to protect ourselves and our children from…


The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest, Recap Episode 3

Cancer-Killing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMOs, Juicing, & Eating the Rainbow Yet another great episode!! Ty started off discussing with Dr. Russell Blaylock and others what we think may be the single most important thing to realize about cancer that…


The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest, Recap Episode 2

Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils Epigenetics – Cancer Facts and Fictions The beginning touched on an issue near and dear to us, epigenetics!  in whether or not we or our children will get…


The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest, Recap Episode 1

The True History of Chemotherapy and The Pharmaceutical Monopoly If you don’t already know about Ty Bollinger, The Quest for the Cures Docuseries, and the book, Cancer: Step Outside the Box, the next series of articles and their subject matter…


Aloe Arborescens: Healing Cancer and Other Diseases for Centuries

The Tradition and Folklore of Aloe Arborescens Proven by Modern Science I always find it fascinating when modern science finally catches up to ancient tradition. When you can point to specific actions within the body and say “oh, that’s why…


The Macho Man Maintenance Protocol (as of September 28, 2015)

This is Ryder’s current (as of 9/28/15) “maintenance” protocol. We are now over a year out from his May 16, 2014 Stage IV Neuroblastoma diagnosis.  At the time of diagnosis and for the following year plus, his original protocol included almost twice as many…


Leanne Woodland and How She Beat Cancer

One of the things that has made our decision to treat Ryder unconventionally “work” (or at least a lot easier on us), is that we’ve managed to stay unified in our thought process and together on all the big choices. We’ve come…


Cancer and High Dose Vitamin C

If you’ve only ever heard of one alternative or natural treatment for cancer, it’s likely high dose vitamin C. A quick search reveals a near even split between alternative publications touting its benefits and the mainstream calling it pure quackery.…