Category: Podcast

Protect Healthy Cells from Conventional Treatment: Dr. Heather Paulson

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 38: Dr. Heather Paulson Dr. Heather Paulson expounds on what supplements to take, and which not to, during conventional cancer treatment. In This Episode: The safest supplements to use in combination with chemotherapy and…


Draw Your Sword to Fight Cancer: Pedram Shojai

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 37: Pedram Shojai Pedram Shojai opens season two of The Stern Method with a deep interview on becoming the person you need to be to embrace life and reverse cancer. In This Episode: Pedram…


Simple & Effective Detoxification: Judy Seeger

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 36: Judy Seeger Judy Seeger, natural cancer cure researcher and traditional naturopath, lays out strategies for detoxification that are not hard to follow yet produce tremendous results. In This Episode: Judy’s three R’s system…


The Anticancer Power of Food: KC Craichy

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 35: KC Craichy KC Craichy explains exactly just how it is that food can stop cancer! In This Episode: Four primary processes in cancer to be dealt with and how foods can play a…


Lessons from Conventional Cancer Treatment: Holly Bertone

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 34: Holly Bertone Holly Bertone of talks about her journey getting through conventional cancer treatment with the best possible mindset, the very real damage conventional treatment can do without knowledge of an integrative…


How Angie Avoided Unnecessary Treatments and Beat Rhabdomyosarcoma in Her Son

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 33: Angie Vitter The Stern Method THRIVER STORIES When Angie’s son was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma she hit the ground running.  She was in touch with The Stern Method and implementing an integrative approach within…


Water Fasting – The Most Effective Cancer Measure Is Free: Dr. Edward Group III

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 32: Dr. Edward Group III Dr. Edward Group III asks in the midst of the quest for the perfect diet, perfect supplements and perfect treatments for cancer, and even the quest to find the…


Andrea’s Integrative Neuroblastoma Cancer Treatment Research for her Daughter

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 31: Andrea Shoup The Stern Method THRIVER STORIES Andrea Shoup talks about doing her own research for her daughter going through high risk neuroblatoma and switching hospitals to find the best team. More Thriver…


Yes, EMOTIONS Can Cause Disease. Here’s How to Address It: Dr. Meg Haworth

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 30: Dr. Meg Haworth Dr. Meg Haworth explains how emotions have been proven to be a vital component in the disease process and what to do about it. In This Episode: ACE study followed…


How Dagmara Beini Healed Her Daughter’s AML Leukemia With Integrative Cancer Treatments

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 29: Dagmara Beine The Stern Method THRIVER STORIES Dagmara Beine’s daughter Zuza was given an 8% – 15% chance of surviving when she was diagnosed with a particularly aggressive form of acute myeloid leukemia.…