Category: Podcast

The Link between EMFs and Cancer, What you NEED to know: Nicolas Pineault

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 28: Nicolas Pineault Nicolas Pineault joins us to talk about the devastating health effects of electromagnetic fields, their link to cancer, and what to do about it. In This Episode: What EMFs (and more…


Preventing Side Effects from ALL Treatment with Hyperbaric Oxygen, Sauna and Supplementation

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 27: Andrea Martin-Niklos The Stern Method THRIVER STORIES Andrea Martin-Niklos talks about how their family’s strong faith along with complementary approaches such as purchasing a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, infrared sauna (mention The Stern Method for…


Avoiding Skin Cancer & Hidden Toxins: Dr. Trevor Cates

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 26: Dr. Trevor Cates Dr. Trevor Cates talks about what our skin can tell us and how to keep toxins from entering our bodies through it. In This Episode: Our skin as a mirror…


How the Chaverri Family Reversed Severe Chemotherapy Induced Neuropathy, Mucositis, and More

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 25: The Chaverri Family The Stern Method THRIVER STORIES Scott & Kayleigh Chaverri tell us how they reversed their son Mathew’s horrendous side effect from chemotherapy including extreme neuropathy to the point of not…


The Five Causes of Cancer: Dr. Anthony G. Beck

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 24: Dr. Anthony G. Beck Dr. Anthony G. Beck lays out how cancer does not exist… in the way we’re taught to think it does. In This Episode: Dr. Beck’s take on cancer that…


How Jessica Reversed Her Son’s Stage IV Wilm’s Tumor after Conventional Treatments Failed

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 23: Jessica Stone The Stern Method THRIVER STORIES ***NEW SEGMENT!!!*** Every Thursday tune in for a new The Stern Method THRIVER STORIES where we feature a family that has rocked an integrative approach to…


Going Integrative With Low Dose Chemotherapy, Lymphatic Drainage Therapy, Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields – Jonathan Stegall, MD

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 22: Jonathan Stegall, MD Dr. Jonathan Stegall talks about his unique integration of conventional and integrative therapies. In This Episode & Article: Dr. Jonathan Stegall speaks his mind of misinformation coming from both the…


Natural Healing Success Against Conventional Odds: Robyn Openshaw

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 21: Robyn Openshaw Robyn Openshaw of Green Smoothie Girl tells several unbelievable stories of cancer and natural healing. In This Episode & Article: Robyn talks about her childhood when her grandmother was diagnosed with…


Establishing Metabolic Flexibility in Cancer Patients: Dr. David Jockers

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 20: Dr. David Jockers Dr. David Jockers explains what it means to be metabolically flexible, how this relates to ketosis and the tremendous anticancer benefits of the ability to transition into nutritional ketosis. In…


How Would Ty Bollinger Reverse Cancer?

Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher The Stern Method Podcast Episode 19 Ty Bollinger, founder of The Truth About Cancer, tells us what he would do personally to heal from cancer! In This Episode: Ty Bollinger’s take on all the seemingly conflicting theories and approaches…